Selasa, 08 November 2011

Living for Twitter?

Twitter has changed the way people live. Now everyone is talking and using it. It’s the current big thing and will remain for sometime or until the next big thing comes. Below are some comics that beautifully explains how twitter has influenced lives:
First of all: The Evolution:
We heard that many couples met at chat messengers, now it’s twitter’s turn.

We heard that many couples met at chat messengers, now it’s twitter’s turn.

In reality no one reads what others have to say! Everyone wants to increase his/her followers. The games is all about increasing the followers. If I follow you, it doesn’t mean that I like you, it means follow me back :P

Even the moms are using twitter now, which means it’s a thing that isn’t limited to the teens and younger people only. Everyone can tweet :P
There would come a time when twitter will be so common that all the animals will use it. Right now only birds are using twitter :P
Only a few twitter users actually act upon what it was meant to be. They are known as real followers or real friends
Twitter is a combination of all, the email, chat, blogging, feeds and others, so one can expect all kinds of things to happen to people while using twitter

Twitter will work in wars !!! Although it may be down for sometime (if you know what i mean) :D

This is what I mean when i said it would be down for sometime, here are a bunch of twitter users reacting while twitter is down

When twitter will become old and all the buzz will gone, then what would people do? Let’s see what’s the next big thing:

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 environment clean generations

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